
David, Ashlee and Me

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Hugh has been ill for more than a quarter of his life now. It was an annoying cold that just wouldn't go away. And two days ago, we caught a new strain. Huey has now got a sore throat and that is affecting his feeding. His tummy is dodgy as well - he pooed six times yesterday! Luckily he hasn't got a temperature... yet. He is going for his first set of vaccinations later today - think it might make him feel even worse. Oh dear...

More photos taken with my phone. I really should use a proper camera more so I can take decent photographs that can be printed, instead of these rubbish ones.

My little bear...

Looking contented after a feed...

Looking duh...

Huey getting amused by silly noises Mummy's making...
(you might like to turn on the sound... and again, I can't rotate the video, sorry)

Friday, November 14, 2008

Hugh is a skinny boy. He's been putting on weight steadily, but he is just not the fleshy type.

We've been going to parent-baby groups with George and his mum. George was born on the same day as Hugh - their birth weights were similar (Hugh was chunky when he was born, believe it or not!), but now, George weighs a whole kilogramme more than Hugh! I am so jealous...

Ok, you are going to say to me that every baby is different and I shouldn't compare. Yes, maybe I should learn to be more chilled. He is skinny, but of course I still love him, not a microgramme less... :)

The lady in the middle is Mia, born a day before George and Hugh. She is mega chubby...

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Huey has discovered his hands... he's been keeping himself entertained by stuffing his fist/fingers in his mouth.

We gave him the pacifier, under the advice of the midwife, when he was permanently attached to my boobs at 1 week. It didn't take him long to learn that he was not getting any milk from the pacifier no matter how hard he worked at it. Hence he decided not to waste his time on it anymore. Now that he is sucking his own fist/fingers, I wonder if I should try giving him the pacifier again??

(sorry, not sure how to rotate the video! ;p)

Friday, November 07, 2008

I always knew parenthood is hard, and I thought we were pretty well prepared with all the antenatal classes we attended... but I have to say, it is all much harder than I ever imagined it to be.
Looking back, think pregnancy was the easiest bit (try telling me this when I was feeling nauseas in my first trimester or feeling like a beached whale in the third, and I would not hesitate to punch you in the face). Labour was hard but we knew there was an end in sight. Recovering from labour was and still is extremely difficult for me... I am such a wuss with pain. Breastfeeding is much harder than I thought it was going to be (and so not natural for me)...
And all that stress! Is Huey getting sufficient milk (why he is so skinny)? Why was he not sleeping in his bed (for more than 2 weeks, we had to hold him 24/7 as he would start screaming when we attempt to put him down on his bed; I was sleeping sitting up with him in my arms for all that time - I'm glad we managed to rectify this, for now)?
I guess I will never stop worrying for him - that is motherhood isn't it?