
David, Ashlee and Me

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Hugh has been ill for more than a quarter of his life now. It was an annoying cold that just wouldn't go away. And two days ago, we caught a new strain. Huey has now got a sore throat and that is affecting his feeding. His tummy is dodgy as well - he pooed six times yesterday! Luckily he hasn't got a temperature... yet. He is going for his first set of vaccinations later today - think it might make him feel even worse. Oh dear...

More photos taken with my phone. I really should use a proper camera more so I can take decent photographs that can be printed, instead of these rubbish ones.

My little bear...

Looking contented after a feed...

Looking duh...

Huey getting amused by silly noises Mummy's making...
(you might like to turn on the sound... and again, I can't rotate the video, sorry)


Blogger ~e~ said...

i hope H gets well soon! can't postpone the vaccination till he gets better?

2:30 AM  
Blogger minneyme said...

Yep, the dr had it postponed to next Thu cos of his dodgy tummy. Am not looking forward to it...

9:42 AM  
Blogger MizNS said...

He's so adorable! Can't wait to see him during CNY.
And at the rate you're going, I think Hugh might just grow to love the camera. Can join Drama Club!

10:05 AM  
Blogger minneyme said...

Drama Club?! Think his dad has great hopes for him to become a professional sportsman so no time for drama and arts! Unless he is rubbish at sports... or gay... hehe. (not very pc hor?!) ;p

2:31 PM  

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