I always knew parenthood is hard, and I thought we were pretty well prepared with all the antenatal classes we attended... but I have to say, it is all much harder than I ever imagined it to be.
Looking back, think pregnancy was the easiest bit (try telling me this when I was feeling nauseas in my first trimester or feeling like a beached whale in the third, and I would not hesitate to punch you in the face). Labour was hard but we knew there was an end in sight. Recovering from labour was and still is extremely difficult for me... I am such a wuss with pain. Breastfeeding is much harder than I thought it was going to be (and so not natural for me)...
And all that stress! Is Huey getting sufficient milk (why he is so skinny)? Why was he not sleeping in his bed (for more than 2 weeks, we had to hold him 24/7 as he would start screaming when we attempt to put him down on his bed; I was sleeping sitting up with him in my arms for all that time - I'm glad we managed to rectify this, for now)?
I guess I will never stop worrying for him - that is motherhood isn't it?
Allo Allo...
He is so-oo cute!!! Been wondering when we get to see more photos of Hugh!
Hehe, we think he's quite cute too... but of course we do, all parents think their babies are!
He's smiling quite a bit now, and rather alert. Bet you are looking forward to the arrival of Georgiana?! How are you feeling?
Hesley says you sound so mature - like an old English teacher, the kind that marks the O level papers.
G says welcome to motherhood.
Hesley says your background (to the website) is like the British Council logo. lol
Nora says Huey is soo cute and I like pic 3 is cute. Though at times he looks like a wise old man, expressive.
G says he doesn't look like Keanu Reeves.
Hesley ponders on previous statement by G.
Nora says enough, i'm tired. Get your own accounts!!!!
Hesley says who ask you to write everything we say.
G wonders if her blog is still around. The G-spot one.
G says the smiling is due to gas, not because he is happy lor.
Hesley says wahlau cheated for so long. I thought the kids liked me when they smiled.
Nora laughs!!!!
G says we got nothing better to do.
Hesley and Noras agree wholeheartedly.
Tell G Huey is smiling for real, not wind. He started to smile at 4+ weeks (I know it's a bit early but they are real smiles I can assure you!) and has been increasingly smiley.
Yeah, we think he looks a bit too mature for his age too! Hehe, he looks like a three-year-old sometimes. :))
Why would he look like Keanu???
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